
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

WHAT? Christmas Sucks?

"Bah Humbug" is not a phrase you hear on Maui, but obviously the Christmas spirit hasn't reached everyone. Despite disgustingly glorious, sunny weather and the joys of living in paradise instead of shoveling snow in 40 below, at least two people on an island of roughly 150,000 think Christmas sucks

Maybe they're right. Maybe Christmas is too darn commercial and stressful and depressing (especially if your family and friends live thousands of miles away).

This pillbox mural on Maui's north shore has been repainted, but it actually stayed intact for a few days, to my surprise. This picture has been censored.

The reindeer (or unicorn) is peeing on the Christmas tree, in a very flagrant demonstration of reindeer parts. 

No boxer shorts. 

I'm debating whether to post the original photo anywhere online. What do you think?

In the meantime, Merry Christmas!


  1. Hi Courteny! Great to see you here! Hope your Christmas was great!
    All best wishes,

  2. Sorry I spelt yr name incorrectly.. Was typing too fast.

  3. My fam & I always wonder who reprints that every few days. Different people or same folks?

  4. No worries! Thanks for your comment! It was nice to check out your Mandela post.

  5. Different people! Usually at night. The land owners don't seem to mind, since most people don't ask for permission. The ham radio club gets permission to camp there overnight and officially repaint it every June.


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