
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Maui Pie TweetUp at Maui Tropical Plantations

An assortment of homemade pies at the 3rd Annual Maui Pie TweetUp, which was free, open to the public, and also celebrated the 5th anniversary of Kula Fields, a local business that arranges and delivers weekly boxes of fresh Maui produce. Offerings included individual chicken pot pies, strawberry and liliko'i pie, savory tomato and goat cheese pie, lemon meringue pie, quiches, cherry pie, onion pie, apple pie. Oh, and how could I forget the empanadas (small hand held crescent shaped pies)? Yum... P.S. If you made the empanadas, there are people who want to know how to contact you. Please comment below. 

Continue on for more pie pics!

More pies - some of the more artistic ones. The spelling on the upper right was for Kupu Maui, which co-hosted the pie tweetup as a Kupu Maui "eat local" event. But we dug into the pies pretty quickly. I meant to take photos of the location and people, but was rather distracted by the pies. Most people showed up close to 10:30 am, and a few stragglers arrived later. I'd say by 12 noon, most of the pies were scarfed up. It was a lovely social event, when we didn't have our mouths full of pie.  For more pics, visit the #pietweetup hashtag on twitter or #kupumaui tweets from July 2013. 

The pie tweet up was held at the Maui Tropical Plantation in the Waikapu area of Wailuku. This is a display at the Kumu Farms farm stand right next to the pie potluck. The farm stand is open 10 am to 4 pm Tuesday - Saturday. Kumu Farms has fields of vegetables at Maui Tropical Plantation, and I talked story with the Italian woman who managed the farm stand that day. 

I think her lips melted when she talked about all the ways she likes to prepare eggplants, the purple and white streaked vegetables on the upper right. Eggplant parmesan, aubergines cut lengthwise and rolled up, eggplants stuffed with cheese and baked, grilled eggplant...I bought eggplant. I bought the eggplant before I talked with her since the colors of the eggplant were so exquisite.  Mmmm...

As I am looking at pie photos, we're gearing up for Tropical Storm Flossie. It was such a gorgeous day today, and it seems unbelievable that a storm could be raging tomorrow. But the weather changes quickly here.  (Update: It's now tomorrow, meaning the storm is here, though it's very mellow with light rain so far. I think this storm will bypass us.)


  1. Oh my - those pies look great! Looks like a spectacular time although my waistline would probably not like it!!

  2. Pies are my favorite! Thanks for a great post, Courtney, and for documenting everyone's contribution.

  3. You're welcome! I loved the pa'u riders video especially on your recent post.

  4. Hi Courtney, thank you for this great post! Hope Flossie has been and gone with no terrible destruction- please let us know.

  5. Yes, no problems w/ Flossie for the most part. Some thunder and lightning after sunset. Some rain, but not as much as a good rain shower here. The next day was bright and clear. Though some beaches got more muddy run off the following days.


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