
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Fruit Tree and Orchard Care Design Workshop Saturday OR Sunday

Having a fruit tree on your property, whether you rent or own, doesn’t automatically mean you will have fruit!  I’ve seen entire yards planted with lemon and lime trees that became stunted, gangly and bore very poor fruit. I myself have some avocado trees that sometimes produce fruit and sometimes don’t. Or you may have trees that are producing tasteless fruit but you may not want to dig them all out. If you are serious about growing and harvesting your own fruit, you may want to check out this fruit tree workshop which is now being offered either Saturday, May 25th, or Saturday, June 1st. (The flyer below says May 26th, but that date has been changed now to June 1st.) It is a one day workshop, so sign up for either day. Cost is $75. 

Moreover, growing fruit on the mainland is very different from growing fruit in Hawaii, with different bugs, wind conditions and weather.  

I know both presenters and have heard them talk at the Maui Farmers Union meetings, which are held monthly and free to the public. (Next meeting is this Tuesday at the Haiku Community Center at 6 pm.)  For more information on the workshop, visit the Facebook Fruit Tree event page

Jayanti Nand is very skilled at grafting, nursery care, propagating trees, and air layering. He makes thin, surgical grafting cuts look as easy as slicing pie. Here's a link to Jayanti's talk on grafting

Evan Ryan recently presented a talk on seed collecting and seed saving. He is a dedicated organic farmer and very knowledgeable as well. You can watch his Maui Farmers Union presentation on breadfruit here

Even experienced gardeners will probably learn something useful from this class. FYI, I would love to take this class myself but time-wise, this isn’t the best time to focus on fruit trees! I have to focus on chickens right now. I am also not getting paid to advertise, but think this is well-worth your time. 


  1. Silvia VillalobosMay 24, 2013 at 9:54 AM

    Love fruit trees, though I don't have them on my property. My neighbor always invites us to share his lemons and oranges. Very nice of him. Now that's interesting -- a workshop on planting. Great post.

    Visiting from A-Z Road Trip.

    Silvia @ Silvia Writes

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