
Friday, November 9, 2012

Ant's View of an Avocado

Ants love avocados, especially the circular part where the stem falls off. Ants get to live what some people fantasize: playing in their food, swimming in it, and rolling around in it. Imagine being so small that a chocolate bar is the size of several swimming pools or being able to swim in one’s smoothie. 

Round avocado with the ant's playground at the stem end.

We’re deep in avocado season right now.  They fall off the trees during the night, and all during the day. I’ve been picking up at least eight avocados off the ground each day, and if they are ripe, ants are guaranteed hitchhikers, especially near the stem. To get the ants off, I can roll them around, spray them with a garden hose, or turn the avocado upside down in a glass of water until the ants fall off.

Maui Shop Girl’s photo challenge this week is to take a photo from an ant’s view. This was as close as I could get.

P.S. This is day 9 of the Nat'l Blogging Posting Month challenge, or NaBloPoMo. Check it out on twitter too, under #nablopomo. 

NaBloPoMo November 2012

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