One of the many irrigation ditches operated by the East Maui Irrigation Company, EMI. EMI owns land throughout the island. This ditch is a stone's throw from where I live. |
Monstera or Swiss Cheese plant growing along the bank of the EMI ditch. |
A prickly pear cactus growing in wet Haiku. |
This ditch curves around backyards on a quiet street. |
Approaching the end of the walkable section. |
Breadfruit proliferating over the stream, aka EMI ditch. |
A backyard facing the EMI ditch, with a tabby cat and flower baskets full of aloe vera. |
A grate in the EMI ditch. |
Barbed wire fence. |
Not overflowing right now, but sometimes a waterfall from the diverted water. |
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The end of the walk: No trespassing. |
Most of the water on Maui is diverted for irrigation for large sugar cane plantations and other commercial interests. The water does not go to small farmers, especially Hawaiian farmers of taro, who depend on yearly stream flow. Other farmers who would help Maui to become more self-sufficient food-wise also do not benefit from any of this irrigation water. There's been a lot of misuse of public water resources on Maui, and it would take several blog posts to discuss it.
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